On Behalf of The Law Office of Carrie M. Wilcox | Nov 5, 2021 | Divorce, Annulment And Separation
Couples typically invest much of their time and effort into planning their wedding. However, occasionally the planning will stop at the wedding day, rather than continuing into married life.
Preparing for what could happen if a marriage does not work out is often looked upon negatively. However, being ready for all events can actually be beneficial. Prenuptial agreements are one method of offering couples security if their marriage ends. Importantly, they can also provide stability during the marriage, ultimately leading to a stronger partnership.
What is a prenuptial agreement?
Essentially, a prenuptial agreement is a contract that future spouses enter into before the marriage commences. Both parties are generally able to dictate the terms of the agreement, negating the influence of the courts. This legal instrument commonly offers clarity in terms of what happens if the marriage breaks down.
Factors covered in prenuptial agreements often include debt allocations as well as property division and ownership. However, the subjects of these binding contracts can be wide-ranging. For example, a prenuptial agreement may even outline how custody of family pets is to be shared.
The potential advantages of a prenuptial agreement
It is a common misconception that prenuptial agreements are reserved for wealthy couples and celebrities. However, in reality, this is not the case. Prenuptial agreements are a means that all couples can utilize to protect their financial interests and property.
Frequently, couples find that having a prenuptial agreement means their marriage starts the right way, with open communication and honesty. Additionally, having legal arrangements in place before the commencement of a marriage means that lengthy court disputes may be avoided if the marriage does not work out.
Understanding the fundamentals of prenuptial agreements could benefit you as a spouse in Arizona. Furthermore, it is important to remember that you have legal rights.